We are pleased to inform you that Kalipso Studio is now compatible with the Chainway R6 UHF RFID Sled Reader.
For that, you only need to have the latest update of our software and then your business and projects will have access to all the advantages in the native connection between Kalipso and this Chainway equipment.
Chainway R6 is specially designed for a complete one-piece solution with smartphone/PDA. Paired with an Android/iOS-based smartphone and terminal, it can be easily transformed into a professional data collection device. Built with Impinj R2000 chip, it features powerful UHF reading and writing that enables read distance of over 10m outdoors. This hardware has been useful in several areas, such as power patrol inspection, apparel cycle-counting, warehousing, or asset management.
You can check their website on www.chainway.net
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